Pay Rent

Home / Tenant Area / Pay Rent

We make paying your rent and charges as easy as possible by providing several ways of doing it. They are described below.

Direct Debits

Direct Debits are the easiest way for you to make sure you never miss a payment again. With a Direct Debit (DD) you tell your bank or building society that you want us to take your monthly payments direct from your account. You will need to complete a Direct Debit mandate form and a request form, both of which are attached on this page. These need to be returned to Central Rents & Charges, Walter Moore House, 34 Dudley Street, West Bromwich, West Midlands B70 9LS

You can also call Customer Services on 01212710789 option 4 to set a DD up over the phone.

Pay online

you can pay your rent and service charges online 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Pay by phone

If necessary, you can make payments by phone. Customer Services on 0121 2710789.

Pay by post

Send cheques or postal orders to Central Rents & Charges, Walter Moore House, 34 Dudley Street, West Bromwich, West Midlands B70 9LS

Problems paying?

It’s important that you pay your rent and service charges on time. It doesn’t take long to fall into arrears, but it can take a long time to get straight again.

If you are having trouble paying your rent, please let us know as soon as possible by completing the “Rent help form” attached to this page.

If you have any questions about your payments, please email the National Housing Manager.

Pay Online

Click the button below to pay your rent online.
