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Client speaks at Homeless Partnership

A woman who will benefit from a new service being provided in Bury by Adullam conquered her fears and spoke at the relaunch of the Bury Homeless Partnership about her experiences.

Kellie (pictured) was accommodated at Adullam’s ABEN and then Willow Cottage accommodation before a very recent move into her own independent property.

She joined staff from Adullam’s Bury Bridges project (pictured below) at the recent relaunch of the partnership, which brings partner agencies working in homelessness together to share good practice and discuss ways of providing good quality and effective support for all clients accessing services in Bury.

On the day of the event, organised by Bury Council and hosted at Radcliffe Football Club, Kellie asked if she could say a few words. She was very nervous but wanted to say how much she appreciated the support provided by Adullam staff and how happy she is that she has now changed her life.

She said she also felt she now has more confidence – standing in front of people and speaking was not something she could ever have imagined doing previously.

As part of the new service being provided by Adullam in Bury, Kellie will now receive three months of follow-on support to ensure she settles well into her new home and living independently.

Adullam’s Property Services and Operational Manager Paula Angold also spoke at the event, which attracted more than 100 attendees. Paula presented Adullam’s service to partners and advised of the exciting changes happening to the service in Bury following Adullam’s successful tender bid last month which will see an increase from 31 to 60 units of accommodation.

Adullam is proud to have secured the new contract to provide supported accommodation in Bury for the next four years and to have received very positive feedback on the bid submitted.

