Promoting EDI in Salford
Staff from a variety of Salford organisations including Integrated Youth Services, Emmaus, For Housing, The Brick, Choose the Right Path, Salford Foyer, The Lowry, The Beacon Centre and ASE joined Adullam Homes staff and residents from Liberty House at an event organised to promote equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI).
Held at The Beacon Centre, the day featured Equality and Diversity UK, one of the UK’s leading EDI and Human Rights training providers. Open and interactive sessions saw participants share their thoughts, ideas, and examples of best practice. It was a great opportunity to strengthen partnerships as well as to enjoy a buffet lunch.
The event was funded by Adullam Social Enterprises, which has been working in partnership with the Liberty House team over the past 12 months on some of its social value commitments. Promoting EDI awareness locally is one of Liberty’s social value key performance indicators. David Clements from ASE has delivered a range of employability skills training sessions on site as another part of adding social value to the contract.
Feedback after the Beacon Centre event was excellent, with comments including: “Very Informative”; “Good to know how to challenge discrimination”; “Would highly recommend”; “Really engaging”; “Very much related to the work and what I do”; “Would definitely attend more sessions”; “Venue was great”; “I really enjoyed the training”; “Really interactive and fun”.
Janelle Brindle, Property Services and Operational Manager at Liberty House said: “I thoroughly enjoyed the training. The trainer from Equality and Diversity UK was engaging and the content has given me much to consider on how to further develop and improve services for young people. It was great to be in a room with colleagues from various providers, building positive relationships and enhancing networking opportunities.”
Thanks go to everyone who attended, to George Blagden, Business Support Manager at The Beacon Centre, who took care of every need from start to finish, and to Patricia Dewitt who made a great buffet and kept the refreshments flowing throughout the event.