Novel take on Valentine’s
Valentine’s Day was a treat for all Adullam residents at our Bolton Bridges projects, with each taking a slightly different approach to the day.
For many of them, days such as February 14 heighten awareness of being alone and having become separated from those they love. Some of them have had negative experiences within relationships, including domestic abuse, and so Valentine’s Day can be difficult to deal with.
Staff and residents worked together to make sure everyone felt included and cared for.
At Chorley Old Road, the day was renamed “Love Yourself”. Staff gave gifts to each of the residents and posted quotes that empowered them to love themselves and brighten the mood.
Sweets and cookies were purchased and shared and residents were encouraged to read and be inspired by the positive notes.
At Muamba House the common area was decorated with funny pictures, balloons, and a Happy Day garland. Sweets and sweet and savoury biscuits were put out on the tables. The residents enjoyed social time playing pool and had requested the board game Monopoly to play, with fries, sausages, pizzas, and quiches to eat.
Residents at Fleet House enjoyed a Valentine’s Day afternoon tea. They had conversations around self-love and decorated a tree that is displayed in their foyer. Quotes like “positive vibes, positive life” . “ I love my self-worth” “Do not be so hard on yourself” “You are worthy” are now displayed for everyone to see as they enter the project.